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Adept SQL Workshop - PERSONAL LICENSE 1.0

Adept SQL Workshop - PERSONAL LICENSE 1.0

Adept SQL Workshop - PERSONAL LICENSE Publisher's Description

Adept SQL Workshop is an IDE for professional database developers which smoothly integrates:

  • SQL-oriented text editor,
  • macro preprocessor,
  • DDL compilation into internal schema model,
  • schema synchronization,
  • schema decompiler,
  • SQL debugger,
  • MS Visual SourceSafe support

Adept SQL Workshop provides you with the most efficient environment for database schema development and management by keeping the structure of your database in a set of well-structured, readable, reusable and RDBMS-independent SQL scripts. A unique schema matching engine generates the minimal non-destructive SQL for any schema changes you do in the source scripts, providing for easy schema synchronization.

The current version supports MS SQL Server only, support for other RDMS is planned.

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